Magnificent Conformation
With the goal of marrying fantasy to realism, Dark Ages Horses uplifts Skyrim’s draft horses with textures taken from real-world photographs and gives each city its own special breed.

Working Breeds
The horses of Skyrim are working breeds that serve as both harness horses and workhorses in a pre-industrial civilization. They are often the most prized possession of any Nord. These patient and strong beasts are indispensable to the farmers of the Province, providing a means of plowing, cart-pulling, and other farm labor. Essential for warriors, warhorses have been known to be buried alongside their fallen riders. In the mighty forests, lumberjacks use them for horse logging activities. For travelers, they serve as harness and riding horses, and their capability under the saddle is renowned.
Breeds included
- Coldmoon Pony – Windhelm
- Fell Pony, Black – Whiterun
- Fell Pony, Gray – Riften
- Fjord Horse – Solitude
- Karthald Horse – Markarth
- Frost
- Shadowmere
Seven horse types, including Shadowmere and Frost, have their own breed with their own separate mesh and body textures
Each breed has its own colors for manes and tails, bodies, and eyes
2k textures so there aren’t any blocky re-sizing issues with normal maps and vanilla textures
All textures in this mod are made from real photographs of horses and carefully applied so they look almost as real as possible within the limitations of a video game
All-new meshes and textures for vanilla saddles

The Coldmoon Pony
The Coldmoon Pony is a cold-weather-adapted pony breed native to Eastmarch. It was originally selectively bred by the Cold-Moon family of Windhelm in the Second Era. This versatile breed is known for its bay coat and powerful build. Over the last thousand years since its introduction, it has become semi-feral and can be found among herds roaming Skyrim.
As of the Fourth Era, Ulundil of Windhelm breeds the horses at Windhelm Stables.

The Fell Pony
The Fell Pony is a sturdy mountain pony breed native to the Rift. A relatively “new” breed, they were selectively bred during the Third Era as a cross between Eastmarch Coldmoons and a now extinct pony breed from Whiterun. This hardy breed is known for its versatility, intelligence, and two colors, Black and Gray. Over the last few hundred years since their introduction, it has become semi-feral and can be found among herds roaming Skyrim.
As of the Fourth Era, the Sable-Hilt clan of Whiterun breeds Black Fell Ponies while the Horse-Crusher clan of the Rift breeds Gray Fell Ponies.

The Fjord Horse
The Fjord Horse is an agile but strong mountain horse breed native to Falkreath. It was originally selectively bred by Falkreath Stables in the Second Era and nearly went extinct during the Oblivion Crisis during the Third Era. This powerful breed is known for its dun coat, mild temperament, and lithe draft build. Over the last thousand years since its introduction, it has become semi-feral and can be found among herds roaming Skyrim.
As of the Fourth Era, Katla’s Farm of Solitude breeds these majestic beasts.

The Karthald Horse
The Karthald Horse is a hardy mountain pony breed native to the Reach. It was originally selectively bred by the Granite Hill Stables sometime during the Second Era but natural selection played more of a role in its development as large numbers died during the Imperial Simulacrum in the late Third Era. This sure-footed breed is known for its pied coat, courage, and ability to cross incredibly rough terrain. Over the last thousand years since its introduction, it has become semi-feral and can be found among herds roaming Skyrim.
As of the Fourth Era, Cedran breeds these horses at Markarth Stables.
Enhance Your Game
Shape the world to your story.
Well-proportioned. Majestic. Photo-realistic.

Technical Info
This is a texture/graphic overhaul for all horses (5 city colors, Frost, and Shadowmere) and vanilla saddles; do not use it with other graphic overhauls that do the same thing.
Compatible with Convenient Horses
Compatible with horse stats mods unless the stats mod touches meshes and textures.
Some parts of the updated saddle mesh will use vanilla fur textures and take on the look of whatever graphics pack you’ve chosen. To complete the look, download the rest of the series to match the Dark Ages Aesthetic.
If you would like semi-feral and feral horse herds in your game, download Divine Villages.
Load Order
Meshes and Textures on your Logical Load Order sheet.
Place below horse stats mods that alter textures/meshes.
Place above horse saddle mods.
How To Use
Add mod to your favorites from the website.
Download mod to your library from in-game.
Have fun.
This mod would not possible without the following resources:
Original assets created by Kritta Kitty.
SSE Conversion, Xbox plugin implementation by Tarshana.
Updates, fixes by Vexon. Exmoor pony name converted to a lore-appropriate name. Exmoor is an earth place name and does not exist in Tamriel. Pinto pony name converted to a lore-appropriate name. Pinto is a horse coat color and not a breed.
- 3DSMax
- Nifskope
- Photoshop
Other Mods in this series
Add them to your load order to complete the Dark Ages look…
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