Vex Modding

The Floating Market Shield Packs

Published: Category:The Floating Market SeriesWritten by: Vexonar

Handcrafted Shields

The Floating Market Shields Packs come in a variety of styles to suit a variety of adventurers. These pieces were handcrafted by the best artisans of Tamriel which you are able to create for yourself or your followers. Choose from three different packs to suit your needs.



  • Seventeen all-new shields
  • Frostfall and Survival mode compatible
  • Choose from three different packs to suit your load order and playstyle needs
  • Optimized meshes and textures for console use

Light Shields Starting Stats

  • Armor: 16
  • Weight: 7
  • Value: 10

Heavy Shields Starting Stats

  • Armor: 24
  • Weight: varies
  • Value: varies

Blend into the world

Designed to fit seamlessly into Nordic culture, these ten shields offer additional protection from enemies. You’ll find both light and heavy shields to suit your playstyle.

Heavy Shields

Stonelight Shield – Heavy shield of ornate design with unique metal folding

Stonebreaker – Heavy shield crafted of silver and obsidian

Dragon’s Reckoning Shield – Heavy shield crafted of rich obsidian and copper inlay with a dragon design

Vindicator’s Shield – Heavy shield of ancient nordic design

Lorekeeper’s Shield – Heavy shield crafted of fresh Dwemer metal

Aegis of Champions – Heavy shield crafted of leather, steel, and folded silver

Light Shields

Sentinel’s Shield – Light shield made of sturdy pine and tempered with a hundred folded steel.

Keeper’s Shield – Light shield made of sturdy pine with decorated heavy steel.

Oakenguard – Light shield of crafted oak carefully bound with steel

Gryphon’s Vigor Shield – Light shield crafted of orichalcum and copper

For the high fantasy adventuring party

This pack of seven shields features Elvish and Daedric looks for a more epic fantasy feel as you rove the countryside. You’ll find both light and heavy shields to suit your playstyle.

Heavy Shields

Battlefaith Shield – Heavy shield folded with steel, obsidian, and Dwemer metal

Herald’s Dawn Shield – Heavy shield crafted with flair and determination

Lion’s Might Shield – Heavy shield with a unique lion’s head design fashioned after the creatures of the Akavari deserts

Dragonblight Shield – Heavy shield crafted of obsidian and gold

Tombraider’s Shield – Heavy shield of a unique design with folded Daedric design

Lost Shield of Nchunak – Heavy shield crafted of obsidian, sapphire, and silver

Light Shields

Phoenix Ward – Light shield of steel and Dwemer metal

There can be only one

Seventeen shields await your adventurers. From light to heavy, simple to ornate, there’s surely a shield just right for you and your companions.

The all-in-one pack combines both Fantasy and Lore packs into one complete package. Save a slot in your load order.


Enhance Your Game

Shape the world to your story.

Handcrafted. Unique. All in one.

Shape the world to your story.

Handcrafted. Unique. Just for you.

Shape the world to your story.

Handcrafted. Unique. Just for you.

Technical Info


No conflicts exist within the mod series.

Models are all-new and craftable at the Forge.

Compatible with Frostfall and Survival Mode.

Load Order

Pure Crafting on your Logical Load Order sheet.

How To Use

Craft the TFM Crafting Book of Shields at the Tanning Rack in order to open up the gear. Sell or drop the Book to de-clutter crafting menus.

Craft Shields at the Forge. Temper at the workbench.

Credits & Thank Yous

EnMasse for the Tera Models. Tera is copyright EnMasse. Used with Permission. All rights reserved.

CD Projekt Red for the Witcher Assets.  The Witcher is copyright CD Projekt Red. Used with Permission. All rights reserved.

Tarshana for textures, asset modeling, and rigging

Vexon for updates, mesh fixes, and texture additions

Other Mods in this series

Add them to your load order to complete the feel of your world…

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The Floating Market Shield Packs

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