Vex Modding

The Floating Market Staff Pack

Published: Category:The Floating Market SeriesWritten by: Vexonar

Handcrafted Staves

While the Nords aren’t renown for their use of magic, they are renown for their beautiful Magical College of Winterhold. These 10 unique staves are here to help you look divine as you practice your magic with many styles to choose from.



Mages of Might

From fire to electricity, these finely-honed instruments for wizards and warlocks meet the needs of any champion.


  • Ten unique, craftable staves
  • Each staff type has a template in each of the Magic Schools – Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, and Restoration. You get fifty staves in all!
  • Advanced crafting system to keep menu tidy. Crafting book for each Magic School to keep your crafting menus de-cluttered. Choose your magic style without being overloaded by all the options.
  • Optimized meshes and textures for consoles


Each staff has a ‘template’ in a Magic School:

  • Alteration
  • Conjuration
  • Destruction
  • Illusion
  • Restoration

Pick your staff and watch your magic fly.

Arch Lich Staff – Don’t hide your magic, flaunt it. This staff is guaranteed to let your enemies know that you mean business. Crafted from special wood of the underground and inlaid with gold, it is as beautiful as it is frightening.

Arctic Glow Staff – Designed with beautiful craftsmanship this staff isn’t just deadly, it’s also a fashion statement

Copperwood Staff – Simplistic yet beautiful this is a preferred staff of hedge mages and druids

Frostlight Staff – Inspired by the winter flowers and glacial icecaps of Skyrim, this staff is engineered for both style and function.

Gilded Stone Staff – A fine and sturdy staff, the Gilded Stone staff is handcrafted from the very elements of the underground city. While it might not be as flashy as other staffs, it is a very efficient model.

Lotus Staff – The lotus flower is considered to be the most beautiful, and yet its roots are in the muck and mire underwater. With grace and beauty this staff is also very functional.

Reaper’s Kiss Staff – They say the Grim Reaper comes for us all – now you can go at your enemies and grant them the death they deserve

Royal Amethyst Staff – Crafted from the rich minerals and finest amethyst found underground, this staff is sure to be a favorite to any mage. Even the elves will be envious.

Sandstone Staff – Carefully forged with wood, sand, heat, and sun, this staff is sturdy, functional, and deadly

Starlight Staff – This very ornate staff is a lot sturdier than it looks. Years ago the same template was used as a fancy walking stick for a Market vendor who broke her leg. She insisted on a beautiful staff to aid her walking. That walking stick was turned into the lovely magic staff you see before you.


Enhance Your Game

Shape the world to your story.

Handcrafted. Unique. Just for you.


No conflicts exist within the mod series.

Models are all new and craftable at a Staff Enchanter.

Items are injected via script so they won’t interfere with other mods that alter level lists. Note: The game engine has a hard-coded 255-items-per-list limitation for level lists.

Load Order

Pure Crafting on your Logical Load Order sheet.

How To Use

Complete the first Winterhold College Quest: “First Lessons

Craft the staff template.

Craft the Book of Staff Crafting.

Craft your new staff at the Staff Enchanter.

Sell or drop the Templates and Books of Staff Crafting to de-clutter crafting menus.

Credits & Thank You’s

EnMasse for the Tera Models. Tera is copyright EnMasse. Used with Permission. All rights reserved.

CD Projekt Red for the Witcher Assets.  The Witcher is copyright CD Projekt Red. Used with Permission. All rights reserved.

Tarshana for textures, asset modeling, and rigging

Vexon for updates, mesh fixes, and texture additions


  • Photoshop
  • NifSkope
  • NifOptimiser

Other Mods in this series

Add them to your load order to complete the feel of your world…

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